Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What is self exploration workshop

Self-exploration workshop is basically designed to take the fright out of you. In this, we are using mandalas as the tools to explore the self.

A mandala is a symbolic representation of the whole universe - a microcosm representing the macrocosm. When we paint Mandalas we experience various levels of ecstasy in different stages of our journey. Imagine the present space which we are in as the manifestation of the unmanifest. The easiest way to unite with the unmanifest is to use a key which opens a door through us. This is where mandala paintings help us - they are sacred geometric patterns which act as the key which opens this door. in India Hindus and Buddhists have been exploring the use of it for millennia, while in the west such sacred geometry have been explored by great artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci

This workshop is basically a blend of various types of emotional ecstasy in a blend with paint and colors.

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